The Province of Canterbury

This web page is, which belongs to The Province of Canterbury, which is a part of the Anglican domain, in England. The Province of Canterbury is an administrative division of The Church of England that encompasses more than one diocese, but not the entire country. The Church of England is an autonomous Church in the Anglican Communion.

Not every Anglican province worldwide has a Web page yet. The web page that you are now reading is operated by the Society of Archbishop Justus as a placeholder until The Province of Canterbury is prepared to have its own page. The Society operates the domain ANGLICAN.ORG in trust for the Anglican Communion;, a subdomain issued to The Province of Canterbury, is part of what is being held in trust.

If you represent the staff of The Province of Canterbury and would like to learn how to take ownership of the domain (and thus take control of the contents of this web page), please see and read about the naming plan.

If you are looking for a home page for The Province of Canterbury we do not know of one. Should you find it before we do, please do let us know about it.